I have played these games of late
Good stuff in the video game world:
Little Big Planet: Okay, only played around in the beta thus far, but I'm pretty sure this is worth the PS3's $400 asking price.
LBP is a platformer that will basically obliterate you with cuteness, but with just about the most comprehensive level-editing and creation tools ever provided in a game. If you've got the time and the patience you can make some amazing stuff in LBP. A preview will be up on Creative Loafing's site later in the day.
de Blob: One of the best Wii games of the year. Almost as cute and witty as Little Big Planet, but with gameplay that recalls the
Katamari series. You control a little paint-filled blob that returns color to the most adorable black-and-white fascist dictatorship ever. It's easy enough for kids, but has optional challenges for the adults. I strongly recommend this one for Wii owners. Again, a review will be up later today on the Loaf's site.
LEGO Batman: Okay, yes, this game is hilarious, and the Batman mythos has far more narrative potential than the strict scene recreations of
LEGO Star Wars and
LEGO Indiana Jones. Still, the repetitive gameplay makes this a bit of a drag to play. Definitely an enjoyable experience, but not especially exciting.
more later...