this is the most brilliant ad campaign ever

If my Papa were still alive today he would be proud of how
ingeniously R.J. Reynolds has alienated the most odious people on Earth. As depressing as it is to see an institution as fine as R.J. Reynolds apparently kowtow to Arcade Fire fans, it all makes sense and is made alright once you understand the company's true intentions. Yes, for this is a brilliant bit of anti-advertising. RJR realize that your typical MP3-blogging, next-big-thing-hopping "indie rock" fan hates advertising that appropriates "indie" "culture" almost as much as music made by black people. By purposefully pissing that demographic off with an idiotic and transparently inflammatory ad, RJR no longer has to worry about being associated with these depressing people. Yes, the ad is completely ridiculous on the surface, but Reynolds is willing to take that hit today to insure a future free from the Brooklyn Vegans of the world, a future where the Camel brand makes one think of only the finest music the world has to offer, music like Halen and Heap and maybe a little bit of Def Lep (y'know, for the ladies).