way to spoil your own book, Marvel
I'd give a huge SPOILER warning here, but I don't think a single god-damned one of you cares even remotely for comics, much less Captain America.

So basically Cap gets blown away by a sniper after being arraigned for leading the resistance to the Super-Hero Registration Act. Not that big a surprise, as Marvel has been dropping not-so-subtle hints for a few months now. Still, letting the mainstream media blow the surprise for everybody on the day the book is released, before almost any comic book store in the country has opened for business, and thus before any fans can actually read the story in question, is kinda lame.
Anyway, I'm firmly in the "that ain't Steve Rogers, it's a life model decoy, and now the real Cap is going undercover alongside Nick Fury" camp. I'd be surprised if another popular theory, that being Bucky (aka the Winter Soldier) becoming the new Cap, comes true, though.