last week's playlist
Mesmerization Eclipse 3/9/07it's spring break for the kids, so I went with the sort of hits-heavy, rotation-light show I would've done on WUOG during spring break ten years ago Jazz Butcher “President Reagan's Birthday Present”
Railroad Jerk “Rollerkoaster”
Times New Viking “New Times, New Hope”
Oneida “History's Great Navigators”
Warmer Milks “Rwanda”
Polvo “Rock Post Rock”
Only Ones “Another Girl Another Planet”
The Replacements “Color Me Impresed”
Of Montreal “Don't Ask Me To Explain”
Mice “Little Rage”
Tuxedomoon “Incubus (Blue Suit)”
Swan Lake “Pleasure Vessels”
Trans Am “Triangular Pyramid”
Je Suis France “The Love Of The France”
Circle “Gerde”
Reports “Sewn To Yr Mind”
Archers of Loaf “Web in Front”
Flying Canyon “In the Reflection”
Olivia Tremor Control “Shaving Spiders”
Bob “Ice Message Instanata”
Folklore “Enter The Ghost”
Superchunk “Her Royal Fisticuffs”
Pavement “AT&T”
Pere Ubu “Heart of Darkness”
Cum Engines “Dayton Ohio 19 Something and 5”
Bablicon “Francis Locrius”
New Order “Age of Consent”