How Long Before They Tear Down the Citgo Sign Outside Fenway?
Here's an approximation of a graphic seen on Fox News while eating lunch today: "US Gives UN $5M A Day to Insult Us". Bill Hemmer, ostensibly a news anchor, and not an editorialist or "opinion journalist", repeatedly reminded the viewers that Citgos aren't just ordinary gas stations, but are actually owned by the government of Venezuela, and that any money spent there goes to Hugo Chavez. So during what I assume is supposed to be the network's news coverage, as opposed to the "news analysis" of Hannity and Colmes, et al, Fox is suggesting a boycott of Citgo and a pull-out from the United Nations. Normally the network's blatant bias seeps through the news coverage via various talking heads who come on to talk about whatever big issue they're pushing that day. It's rare to see the actual anchor himself making those points, unless it's Brit Hume on one of those round-table things.