"Djs, I come to you with sad, sad news. The chemistry department has been running experiments involving radio, and our broadcast has been interfering. We've known about this problem for a while, and the chemistry people are ordering new equipment that will allow them to proceed without problem. However, until the equipment gets here and is installed, they're basically at a stand-still. They've asked us to go off-air daily from 7am-4pm, Monday through Friday. We've decided to comply with this request. So, starting Monday, no one needs to come in before 4pm. I want to emphasize that this is temporary - we will be going back on air, to our previously determined schedule, before summer is over."
"is this for real? WUOG is potentially violating their fcc license by going off the air and i'm positive that the chemistry dept interfering with an fcc licensed signal is a violation. most fcc licenses require stations to be on the air a minimum number of hours per week. if you aren't then you risk losing that license. While helping out in the name of science might be nice, this sounds like a decision with potentially serious reprecussions and frankly a bad idea."