The Losticity.
(I suppose I could've nicked "The Lostness", since that seems retired, but the above works fine enough for me.)I hope y'all watched LOST last night, 'cuz it was really good. Like the "tailies" episode, they twisted the flashbackery up a bit, as Claire gradually regained her memories of those two weeks she was held captive. No boring bullshit about how "my dude left me and now I'm single and pregnant so let's dwell on that and maybe the behy-bee would be better off with another family and hey aren't I just the least important and likable character on the show", etc., etc. Nothing but a solid hour of island-based hi-jinks, including the return of Ethan Rom, Spaceknight, and the discovery of a new Dharma structure, and the revelation that the chief hobo "Other" sports a fake beard and bears a resemblance to various other silver-haired old white men who've appeared on the show. Also the first substantial bit of Eko Adebisi in like two months, thank God. So a few new questions, and a few answers (mostly to questions we weren't even asking), and some good momentum heading into the final third of the season, which momentum of course will be immediately squandered as it's reruns 'til the 22nd.