the chronic - WHAT? - cles of narnia
Saturday Night Live was surprisingly not awful this weekend. Much of it was horrible - the Sbarro's skit, Jack Black's Kong song, the ever-shitty Appallachian Emergency Room - but there were at least five quality bits, including two that were downright excellent. The Narnia rap short was the best thing I've seen on there since Bear City, and Will Forte's spelling bee skit was almost as good. The Two A-Holes Buying a Christmas Tree was funny and not at all annoying. Smigel's cartoon looked awesome, and although it didn't really provoke any laughter, it was totally inoffensive and maybe got me to crack a slight smile or two. Tracy Morgan's cameo was kind of half-assed, but I pretty much laugh at anything that guy does. Kenan similarly entertains me even when he sucks, so seeing them together was fine with me. The first Neil Young song was really good, too. Other than that, the show sucked, but since I just described like half of what they did, that means it wasn't too bad a program, overall. Easily the best of this season. I was, of course, drunk as hell, so perhaps my judgment wasn't up to snuff. Still, I'm positive that Narnia rap would still be excellent in the sober light of this frigid Monday morning.