Eric Bloom plays Everquest
And has Tom Brady on his fantasy football team.
Not too surprising that the guy who sang "Black Blade" and "7 Screaming Diz-Busters" would be into Dungeons and Dragons-type shit. I wonder if he and Schilling ever hack up some mindflayers together in the digital nether-world? I might go sign up for Warcraft in hopes of butting heads with the man.
It's probably easy as hell to shit-talk the guy, though; all you've got to do is throw in some random references to such anti-classics as Cultosaurus Erectus or Club Ninja.. Wait - those records are fuckin' amazing. What the hell am I talking about? Damn AMG, confusing me again...
Anyway, I guess I'll be going to the
Taste of Boston, now. Maybe
The Sausage Guy will be there.