Ray = best cast ever
Movies like this is why they should give out an Oscar for best ensemble.
1. David Krumholtz
2. Warwick "
Willow" Davis
3. Regina "that girl from
227" King
4. Rick "
Endless Mike Hellstrom" Gomez
5. Curtis "
Booger" "
Charles de Mar" "
Herbert Viola" Armstrong (as Ahmet Ertegun, no less)
6. that guy from
Booty CallThe movie was okay up until the last fifteen minutes or so. The stupid psychological bullshit is horrible, as are most of the flashbacks to his youth. And there's pretty much no resolution whatsoever. The movie just meanders along for two hours and fifteen minutes, and then all of a sudden he fires his best friend, goes through rehab, and gets admitted back into the state of Georgia. The End. What an awful ending, one that undermines the entire film. Foxx was pretty great, though, and deserves that award.
The most interesting thing about the movie, though, is something I learned in the "cast and filmmakers" biography section. Apparently Curtis Armstrong is a world-renown expert on all things Harry Nilsson. He helped coordinate the recent spate of Nilsson reissues, and has a co-producer credit on them. What a coincidence, considering
last week's post on the