masterful life endangerment
I've lived the math, and since 6:30 am Thursday I've had no more than 27 hours of sleep. I tried to calculate the number of beers but my putrid mind can't hardly grasp the infinite. SF, Still Flyin', the Zap, and the weekend in toto were / are all incomprehensibly monumental. I ate two burritos, and one was the most unnecessarily hot foodstuff ever welcomed into my gullet, whereas in opposition the other was the most egregiously not hot substance encountered by these friendly buds of taste. I question the effectiveness of airport burritos. I didn't see Colin Quinn or lusty ladies, but I did meet Athens' own
Bill Mallonee in the Oakland airport, and that's kind of cool.
But so, an arbitrary list of what it made it awesome:
1. Still Flyin' are the greatest band ever.
2. Lil Flip Scoldjah is a close second.
3. Chicken on a Raft are pretty much up there too.
4. at some bar near that record store we saw a chick sharing a beer with a rat
5. that record store itself is pretty damn good too
6. running into random Athens people that I never fuckin' knew
7. El Cucuy
8. seeing like six rabbits running alongside the runway strip at Oakland's airport
9. Kate Zimmerman's bro Alan / Allan / Allen / Alain
10. all those people that live in San Francisco
11. not getting dead
12. this mysterious bruise on my stomach that my wife thought was a hickey
13. the ridiculously massive Rich Harden sign I saw on the way to the airport
14. random wandering tejano bands
15. kicking Griggs' ass at MVP baseball
and, most importantly,
16. getting to hang out with so many old friends again.
So anyhow, yes, great times, constant amazement, etc. If there exists a second Mind Zap some day, I hope I can be there.