and yet I still have faith
AOL really needs to sell the Braves. Not that I'm all that attached to Drew, Wright, Ortiz, or any of the guys that are free agents this year, or anything. It's pretty disheartening, though, to see that, in addition to apparently not being in on any of the free agent action yet, they can't even keep their own free agents. I don't think JD Drew will be a wise purchase this year; I'm sure whoever gives him $10 million a year for the next four years or whatever will probably regret it. Still, though, it would have been good for the fans to at least attempt to make an effort to resign him. This is the second year in a row they've let their MVP walk after a surprisingly exciting season. It almost seems like AOL wants to kill off whatever fan interest is renewed by the team's continued unexpected success.
Ted Turner's insane, we all know that, and we all love and respect him for that. He spoke at my graduation, and he told us to enjoy ourselves and our successes while we can, because who knows, China could blow us all up next week. It was an amazingly awesome speech. So why the hell hasn't he gone on some crazy-ass murdering spree at an AOL Time Warner board meeting yet?