(Largely) Content Free Movie Reviews
Mean Girls: Zig was right (mostly).
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism: poorly made, cheesy as hell, and completely preaching to the choir, but it did help Allyn understand why I get so worked up over shit like O’Reilly and Hannity (and god damn is Wolcott one unsightly motherfucker).
Badassss!: Pretty good despite itself; way too overconceptualized, but still enjoyable. There’s no firm sense of chronology, the psychological stuff is a bit silly, but again, it’s still an entertaining film. And Mario should always sport a stache.
Elephant: nearly suffocated by its own Artistry. Maybe would have been more effective if they hadn’t shown so much of the eventual shooting? Not nearly as exploitative or manipulative as it could be, but still guilty of both.
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason: Not as bad as the critics say, but not that good either.
The Incredibles: I’m such a big juicy fag that I almost cried at how awesome this movie was. And it doesn’t even bother me that they rip off the Fantastic Four a bit too much.