and so it begins...
A few weeks ago I
brought up the Mekons, and how it was slightly odd that I had yet to really get into them. Well, I'm finally getting into them. I picked up their recent "best of",
Heaven and Hell, and am pretty much loving it. It definitely reminds me of the Clash at times, but with less anger and a bit more "art" involved. Maybe this is what the Clash could have sounded like if they had stayed together into their 30's and 40's. I might have some more to say about this later on. But yeah, SA, I'd recommend this. You could also say that this could be Springsteen if he was an old British punk into reggae, country, and early rock and not as into melodrama and melodic business. And if he let Patti sing half the time. And if you replaced the sax with an accordion. Yes.