pineapple shnigot
Domenic’s a good guy. Today he brought in six volumes of the Jerky Boys for a friend to hear. We were talking about something else when suddenly he asked me if I liked the Jerky Boys. I would like the Jerky Boys, if the word “like” actually meant “abhor with every fiber of my being”. Of course I didn’t tell Dom that; I said that I had never really listened to them much before. So he got all excited and told me he would burn all six cds for me. I told him that he didn’t have to do that, but he’s very insistent. He handed me a few of them to listen to at work today. I haven’t put them on yet, and even though I am drastically dumber than I was in high school I’m still pretty sure I won’t like this stuff. But so, I’m debating whether or not to tell Dom that I don’t want him to burn me any copies. It could be rude, but it’d also save him from wasting six cd-r’s on me. So who knows.
Also, I’ve heard three songs from the new, final GBV album. They were okay. Nothing excellent. Nothing even all that great. Anyone heard this thing yet?