Oh man, what a weekend this most recent of weekends was. Illimitable thanks to all friends who came out and lovingly caressed me, or who at least said hello. The shows were fun - Xiu Xiu were good and friendly, Oneida were excellent as always, and Brass Castle are the best rock band to ever come from Atlanta – and the afterparties were awesome. It’s a good feeling, sitting in a kiddie pool with your friends and your favorite band while the gayest bachelor’s party ever erupts around you. Unfortunately we couldn’t find a lady willing to take off her top and cook us steaks. So dudes abounded. Despite the lack of any boobs other than my own, it was still the greatest bachelor’s party I’ve ever had.
So I get home after that monumentally ridiculous weekend and find an overstuffed envelope full of new promo cd’s. Jeff at DOA sent some great stuff my way, like the latest Acid Mothers Temple record, Mantra of Love, and the new Fall record, The Real New Fall LP. That right there saves me $30. (And fellas - if you want to get some "action" from some "ladies", that AMT record is friggin' magic) Also got the master for the next Garlic Yarg record Great Magnetic Wolves, from Smolken. It’s a fucking keeper, and the best GY stuff I’ve heard yet. It was recorded outdoors, in a forest (hopefully). It’s a real beaut. I’ll try to get an mp3 up here or over at Nokahoma soon enough.
But so, thanks again to everybody. I hope to make it back down soon enough. And thanks to dehumidifier and the Captain for taking some good pictures.
Oh, and finally, if anybody comes across any livejournal entries from whiney, disaffected young art punks, complaining about our show on Friday, please let us know about it. We love reading that sort of stuff.