these Braves are fucked.
DeWayne Wise, Mark DeRosa, Adam LaRoche, Johnny Estrada, Andruw Jones, Mike Hessman, Dave Hollins (!?
!), and Jesse Garcia?
holy goddamned SHIT...
I believe in these dudes. Not these eight particular dudes, but in the Braves overall. You can't expect a Cox/Mazzone team to lose until they prove they can. But with any random two of the Furcal/Giles/Jones/Jones core out, this team is fucked. Factor in the expected absence of J. D. "Mr Glass" Drew and you've got a team that should be playing in Sarasota or Chattanooga and not Turner Field.
oh wait - it's
Damon Hollins, not mulletted Phillie non-legend Dave. That's both slightly relieving and unfathomably depressing...