I've been listening to the same song for about 90 minutes now, the same two minutes and twelve seconds on a constant loop. I can't even remember what other music sounds like now. As soon as I get home I'm going to crack open a tall cold one and listen to this whole damn record again. Hopefully. But so, I respect any band that would mention Eric Bloom in the same line as John Doe, Joe Strummer, and Dicky Hell.
Shit, there hasn't been much to say the past week or so. I was in Georgia last week, for Twilight, and it was great to get to see everybody again. Everything was a fuck-ton of fun, and I can't wait until we do it all again next April. Yes ma'am.
Hopefully I'll have something of interest up later on in the weekend. In the meantime, go take a gander at our friend Hillary's