Tender Feelings
Dearest folks, not much has been happening in this life of ours, recently. I might be off to a show tonight, Numbers and the Chinese Stars and some other pros, if I can muster up the financing. I picked up what seems to be a good record yesterday, this twelve-inch ep thing by Air Conditioning, out on
White Denim. I've only gotten to listen to one side thus far, and wasn't paying full attention, but what I heard sounded damn good. Yes sir. Perchance I shall write it up in full later on.
Anyhow, later on tonight I should have something up about this mixed cd Coke Bref cooked up a couple weeks ago. Some good stuff.
Shit, this dude named John Gibson is sitting in for O'Reilly today, and damn, this guy sounds like his head's gonna explode at any moment. Odd that a staunch "independent" like O'Reilly, ruler of the No-Spin Zone, and a supposed non-partisan, always, without fail, has a shrill, hard-right propagandist fill in when he can't make his show. Oh wait - that's right - it's not odd at all. I'd have to say that O'Reilly, overall, is a lot more annoying than the Hannity types; Bill's insincere stabs at moderation are more dishonest than Hannity's smears, unflinching partisanship, and blatant lies.
Oh, shit, man, fucking music is where it's at.