I’m listening to Switched On for the first time in probably four or five years now. It’s some good stuff to type to, yessirree. It’s very easy for me to forget that Stereolab was at one point one of my favorite bands. Granted I haven’t paid any attention to anything they’ve done since Dots and Loops, which I didn’t much care for, so there is the chance that I would enjoy their recorded output since 1997. I’ve seen them live twice, in 1998 and 2000, I believe, and despite being unfamiliar with their later works I massively enjoyed both shows. Of course over half of both sets came from their albums up through Emperor Tomato Ketchup, so it was mostly stuff I knew and appreciated well. Anyway, Switched On is a good record to work to. I brought a lot of cds to work today, including the first two Crooked Fingers albums, the Crooked Fingers covers ep, Oneida’s Secret Wars, Xiu Xiu’s Knife Play, the Cure’s Galore, and this mix DJ made for me that’s pretty damn good. It’s pretty stupid of me to bring all these discs to work, though, because I’ll maybe get to listen to one or two of them, at most, any given day. Once one o’clock rolls around I invariably switch over to my beloved right-wing asshole talk-radio. Nothing thrills me more than the rage and incredulity that overtakes my normally mild-mannered demeanor whilst listening to Bill O’Reilly’s dishonest populist schtick and Jay Severin’s flirtations with hate mongering and misogyny.